Permute::Named - permute multiple-valued key-value pairs

    version 1.100980

        use Permute::Named;

        my @p = permute_named(bool => [ 0, 1 ], x => [qw(foo bar baz)]);
        for (@p) {
            some_setup() if $_->{bool};
            # ... now maybe do some tests ...

    Takes a list of key-specification pairs where the specifications can be
    references to arrays of possible actual values. It then permutes all
    key-specification combinations and returns the resulting list of

    The function expects the pairs as an array, an array reference or a hash
    reference. The benefit of passing it as an array or array reference is
    that you can specify the order in which the permutations will take place
    - the final specification will be processed first, then the next-to-last
    specification and so on. Any other type of reference causes it to die.
    An uneven-sized list of elements - indicating that one key won't have a
    specification - also causes it to die. The resulting permutation list is
    return as an array in list context or as a reference to an array in
    scalar context.

    Each specification can be a scalar or a reference to an array of
    possible values.

    Example 1:

        permute_named(bool => [ 0, 1 ], x => [qw(foo bar baz)])


        [ { bool => 0, x => 'foo' },
          { bool => 0, x => 'bar' },
          { bool => 0, x => 'baz' },
          { bool => 1, x => 'foo' },
          { bool => 1, x => 'bar' },
          { bool => 1, x => 'baz' },

    The following call is equivalent to the call above:

        permute_named([ bool => [ 0, 1 ], x => [qw(foo bar baz)] ])

    Passing the key-specification pairs as a hash reference also works, but
    does not guarantee the permutation order:

        permute_named({ bool => [ 0, 1 ], x => [qw(foo bar baz)] })

    Example 2:

        permute_named(foo => 1, bar => 2)

    just returns the one permutation:

        [ { foo => 1, bar => 2 } ]

    The "permute_named()" function has been useful in making sure that tests
    work for all combinations of settings, as shown in the synopsis.

    See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl

    No bugs have been reported.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at

    The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive
    Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a
    CPAN site near you, or see <>.

      Marcel Gruenauer <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Marcel Gruenauer.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.