OpenGL::Font::2D - load and render 2D fonts with OpenGL


This package provides you with 2D font support for your OpenGL applications.

For some background information, as well reasoning why this was developed and
why in this way, browse to:


See the above URL for examples on how to use this code. The distribution
contains an example, this uses SDL::App::FPS as a framework. So you will need
SDL::App::FPS for the example, but you could also use this module stand-alone.


You need SDL, SDL_image and SDL_perl v1.20.2 to use this.


* untar/ungzip the package (replace 0.04 with the version you got)

	tar -xzf Games-OpenGL-Font-2D-0.04.tar.gz

* Check the signature. Download my key from http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or
  from my CPAN directory. Then do in the build directory (where you unwrapped

	cpansign -v

* if the signature verifies OK, proceed. Otherwise NOTIFY ME IMMIDIATELY. Do
  NOT INSTALL THE PACKAGE! Your system might get compromised!

* Build the make file:

	perl Makefile.PL

* Make the project


* Run the tests:

	make test

* If some tests fail, please notify me.

* If all tests pass, install as root:

	[enter password]
	make install

Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!

Tels <http://bloodgate.com/>